Get free tips to talk about hearing loss with your loved one

Talking about hearing loss with your loved one is not easy. Get a free guide with tips and tricks on how to start the conversation.

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Don't worry! You are not the only one who finds it hard to help someone you care about come to terms with their hearing difficulties.

As a relative to a loved one with hearing loss you have probably experienced:

If someone close to you is starting to loose his or her hearing, you can probably recognise yourself in these situations:

  1. You have to behave as a translator or a buffer.

  2. Your loved ones social life decline because going out can be exhausting for both of you.

  3. You sometimes feel as if you are slowly loosing your  partner, parent or friend to isolation.

Want to get even more tips and tricks on how to start the conversation about hearing loss? 
Then download the 30 pages free guide below.

Download our free tips to talk better hearing

Do you need help to start the conversation about hearing loss with your friends and family?
What do I get in the free brochure?
  1. Tips to change the psychology around the difficult conversation about hearing loss.

  2. Simple tests you can do at home to test your loved one's hearing 

  3. 5 practical tips to improve the everyday conversation

  4. 5 facts about the social impact of a hearing loss

  5. Surprising facts about hearing aid technology

    and much more...
Hearing loss is just another symptom of ageing that threatens to limit our lifestyle as we grow older. It is difficult for your loved one to accept that he or she is no longer the energetic and active person they used
to be twenty years ago. Losing your hearing is a big loss.
Margrethe vadmand, psychotherapist

Starting the good conversation can mean the end to bad hearing.

Is your dad finding it hard to hear?

It can be a difficult topic to bring up but having a conversation about hearing loss. 

If your parent is suffering from hearing loss, it is easy to get annoyed at him, or perhaps even make fun of it. 

Are you tired of repeating yourself to your husband?

Talking about a hearing problem with your husband who hasn’t yet come to terms with hearing loss, is a sensitive topic. 

By asking open-ended questions, you show an interest and invite to reflection. 

Come in for a chat at one of our stores

Complete the form below and we will call you shortly to arrange an appointment at a time that suits you.
5 reasons of why you should go together for an appointment
  1. When you join your loved one for their hearing test you can make sure that they hear a familiar voice and can be tested with your individual everyday hearing situations.

  2. You can be helpful to identify the type of hearing loss your partner has. 

  3. You will be able to get a demonstration of your partners hearing loss to see where they are struggling the most on a daily basis.

  4. You can help consume all the information you both get, as it can be a lot to take in.

  5. You can discuss it together when you leave the store.
70% believe they should have got their hearing aids sooner, as it has improved their life, mental and emotional health, and performance at work.