Have you noticed the signs of early hearing loss in a loved one? Do you find they say people mumble or they don’t talk properly? Friends and family are often the first to notice and it can put a lot of pressure on your relationship. We have put together an information pack to help you start the conversation with them.



One of the key points to consider when talking to a loved one about their hearing loss is to choose the right place and time. Timing is everything and it’s best to avoid accusations in the heat of the moment, as it can cause the person to become defensive. Choose a safe, familiar and quiet location like their house. Alternatively, invite them over for coffee or offer to cook dinner. 

We always encourage you to focus on the positives as the main purpose of the conversation is to help your loved one get the help they need. They may be worried about wearing a hearing aid, or being judged by people, so you should help calm these fears and focus on the benefits and solutions that facing the situation would bring. Lastly, let them know that you are there for them. Do some research into hearing tests and new hearing solutions, so you can let them know what to expect. Help them make an appointment and go along with them.


Reina's husband wouldn't face his hearing problem, and when he finally got his first aids he wasn't happy with them. He felt they didn't help him. 
When his audiologist suggested he tried Widex hearing aids, he grudgingly agreed. And as Reina says, “Once he put them in his ears he hasn’t taken them out!” It made a huge difference to both their lives.
My friends and I play a lot of golf. I began to notice that I was asking my playing partners to repeat themselves when we were outdoors on the golf course. 

A friend finally said, “Are you losing your hearing? You say ‘What?’ an awful lot and I have a pretty loud voice!” She was right. I could not deny in any more. I needed to take action. 

My wife is thrilled. When we go to dinner with friends, I don’t have to smile and pretend I heard the joke or the conversation. I’m a part of things again.